
In 596, according to historical references in older literature, the ironworks Comoravium (Komárov) was founded.

Historical and archaeological evidence proves the ancient existence of the iron industry in the Podbrdská region. They also prove the century-old tradition of Komárovské železárny, the predecessor of today’s BUZULUK a.s.

According to ancient archival records, the year 1460 is the historical year for the establishment of the iron industry in Komárová. The first production process at its foundation, as history states, was foundry production in 1460. This milestone is the beginning of the formation of know-how that is used and improved by our company to these days. Since its foundation, the Komárovské železárny have been undergoing an extensive development.


Buzuluk history

BUZULUK Komárov, a. s., formerly Železárny v Komárově, is one of the oldest companies in the Czech Republic. Its origins date back to the 15th century. In 1543, Jan the Younger, Pešík of Komárov, had his property “with Baštiny, smelters, mountains and mines” registered again after the fire of the land records. In 1602 Jindřich Otta of Los bought the Komárov estate including the smelters. In 1623 Marie Eusebie, Countess of Martinice, acquired the smelter by purchase and merged it with the Horovice estate.

In the second half of the 17th century (from 1690), the ironworks belonged to the count family from Vrbno , in 1852 they became the property of Elector Bedřich Wilhelm I of Hesse and until 1902 they belonged to the estate of the Hanavian princely family.

In 1902, the ironworks were purchased by C. T. Petzold and Co. and in 1919 it changed into a joint-stock company with its registered office in Prague. In 1948 the company was nationalised and since 1949, when it was renamed BUZULUK Komárov n.p., it has undergone a number of different organisational changes. Since 6 May 1992, the state enterprise BUZULUK Komárov has become a joint-stock company.


Historical milestones:


enamelling plant taken over, Komárovské železárny became a member of the cartel of enamelware producers


production of bath tubs started at the plant


rolls production purchased from Kudlicz in Prague


after several years of experimentation, production of piston rings for internal combustion engines started at the plant


Negotiations with the Macháň company to take over the production of mill machinery in Komárovo, production started in spring 1936


beginning of production of calendering rubber machines


Negotiations started in April to take over the production of part of the calender machines to Komárovo


production of mill machinery handed over to n. p. Mill machinery factories in Pardubice


production of rubber machines from Gottwaldov taken over


Buzuluk incorporated into ČGS a.s.


Buzuluk was merged by Dalian Rubber & Plastic Machinery Co. Ltd, China (from 19.6.2012)

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